Major credit card company Discover will be issuing refunds and paying fines to compensation consumers who were misled by telemarketers about account protection services. The credit card company was investigated by consumer protection agencies for marketing practices...
Month: September 2012
Foreclosure rates still rising in Orlando
The number of foreclosure filings in the Orlando area rose during the month of August again, making it the eighth month in a row that the rate has increased. Orlando seems to be struggling with a higher than average foreclosure rate, compared with the rest of Florida...
Olympic heavyweight staggers under debt, files for bankruptcy
Olympic athletes excel in their respective sports because they are very, very good at what they do. They can leap higher, swim, run or ski faster, and jump longer than anyone else in the world. In the case of Rulon Gardner, he was able to defeat the Russian in...
Too much red ink results in pink slip
Many of us in Florida are familiar with the debt collection practices of the credit card companies. Despite laws that prohibit such actions, many credit card companies and other creditors engage in harassment. One of the options a credit card company can legitimately...
More good news: credit card debt still high, but falling
There are many reasons why people in Florida or elsewhere get overwhelmed with credit card debt. The breadwinner could get fired, and household expenses are put on the credit card. A baby is born with complications not covered by insurance, so the bills go on the...
Florida ranks second in foreclosures, but the number is falling
It isn't a race, but those of us in Florida no doubt wonder how we are doing compared to other states. We are proud of our sports teams and how they score. But how do we score in terms of our financial health? Last month we shared the news in a blog post that...
Worth millions and owes millions more, coach files Chapter 7
There are a number of perfectly good reasons why people need to file for bankruptcy. In Florida, we have seen home prices plummet which can lead to a home foreclosure and bankruptcy. Some people develop an illness or are injured in a car accident and are buried under...
Full disclosure important during personal bankruptcy
For those in Florida who are considering filing for bankruptcy, there are a number of positive aspects. Creditor harassment stops. A home foreclosure can be halted. Wage garnishment ends. Some debts are eliminated completely and others can be reduced. Depending on...