For a homeowner, there may be nothing more frightening than the calls from the bank when struggling to keep up with a mortgage. Whenever a homeowner is behind on house payments, he or she still has rights and deserves protection from harassment or illegal action from his or her bank. One couple recently sued and won a settlement from their bank after proving that they were harassed once they fell behind on house payments. Any struggling Florida homeowner concerned with harassment over a mortgage or how to stop creditor harassment in general may be interested in what this couple endured.
Once the couple fell behind, they say the calls started. They report that they received 700 calls from Bank of America over a four-year period. They also have a son who was employed as a mortgage broker. He attempted to contact the bank about a possible loan modification and contends that he was unable to get anyone on the phone. He noted the harassment and unrelenting calls that would plague his parents’ cell phones and home phone.
The couple sued the bank, and they were awarded a judgment amounting to over $1 million for the harassment. The bank asked and was denied an appeal of the judgment. A senior vice president of the bank relayed that the purpose of the calls was to help the two avoid foreclosure on their home.
This case of harassment may seem extreme, but it may ring true for those who are behind on house payments and afraid the hole is just getting deeper and deeper each month. An attorney who specializes in bankruptcy and home foreclosure matters may help direct homeowners toward options that may work best for their individual situations. Any Florida homeowner who is the subject of creditor harassment may also want to explore legal ways to end the harassment or protect himself or herself from illegal threats or means of collection by any creditors.
Source:, “Couple awarded $1 million from ‘unrelenting’ Bank of America“, Dec. 13, 2014