When you are in the midst of a long-lasting financial crisis, it can be difficult to know where to turn or what steps to take to regain control. Luckily for homeowners in Florida, there are options, and anyone in crisis should explore the different options in order to...
Month: June 2015
Is credit card debt bad for your health?
Credit card debt can have a negative impact on many areas of life, but it is also important for Florida consumers to consider the negative impact that it may have on their health. As stress of any kind can cause health problems, it is no surprise to learn that credit...
Stop home foreclosure: Is personal bankruptcy the remedy?
Some homeowners nationwide, including in Florida, are still finding it difficult to stay on top of their mortgage payments despite the reported recovery of the housing market and general economy. According to a recent survey, almost half of those polled are...
How to create a strategy for personal debt relief
For many in Florida, high levels of debt have become a serious matter, leading to increased stress, anxiety and damage to interpersonal relationships. Finding a way to gain control over one's debt is essential to regaining stability and serenity. That said, many...
Chapter 13 bankruptcy remains the best choice for debt discharge
For many Florida homeowners, years of financial difficulties have led to a scenario in which debt relief is imperative. For those who have taken out a second mortgage on their home, it is possible that the property is now worth less than the total amount owed. Many...
Is Chapter 7 bankruptcy a viable option for seniors?
Some older residents of Florida may find that the burden of their debt load has become overwhelming. Such circumstances may result from medical expenses, financial aid provided for needy children and, in some cases, even study loans. Unfortunately, many seniors are...
Credit card debt: Store credit cards to be handled with care
Because it is so easy and convenient to use credit cards for all kinds of purchases, many consumers in Florida and elsewhere have accumulated debts that have become overwhelming. Keeping credit card debt under control is quite a challenge, and then there is the added...