Your credit card company might have told you that filing for bankruptcy here in Florida will not eliminate your debt with them. Fortunately, that is not true. Credit card debt can be discharged so long as it was not incurred within 90 days of filing the petition....
Month: January 2016
Dispelling some common myths about Chapter 7 bankruptcy
There are many misconceptions and myths surrounding bankruptcy. Some Florida residents who could have benefited from filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy fail to do so based on misinformation. This blog will attempt to dispel at least some of those myths. Some people...
Has a creditor obtained a wage garnishment against you?
Florida residents who experience hard times financially often receive threats from creditors to the effect that they will be sued and a portion of their income will be taken directly out of their paychecks. If an employer is served with a Writ of Garnishment, it is...
Is tax debt relief possible through bankruptcy?
As the old saying goes, there are only two things in life that are guaranteed -- death and taxes. Most Florida residents are under the impression that there is no way to escape a tax debt, but that might not be entirely true. Many people do receive tax debt...
Most people would not risk credit card debt to have 1,497 cards
Most Florida residents would agree that it would be wise to avoid having too many credit cards. However, that has not stopped one man from making it into the Guinness Book of World Records for having the most credit cards at 1,497. Many people would say that he...
Home foreclosure rate in southwest Florida below 2 percent
For nearly seven years now, two major counties in southwest Florida have had some of the highest foreclosure rates in the country. Finally, the home foreclosure rate in those two counties has dropped below 2 percent. There is finally a light at the end of the tunnel...
Woman received student loan debt relief in bankruptcy
From the time she was a teenager, a woman suffered from depression, anxiety and eating disorders like many Florida residents. Even with her mental issues, the woman attempted to make a life for herself, and in the process, took out thousands of dollars in student...
2015 saw a resurgence of credit card debt across the country
The further away the country gets from the recession, the more comfortable its citizens, including Florida residents, feel in using credit cards. In fact, 2015 saw a resurgence of credit card debt across the country that is quickly approaching pre-recession levels....
Don’t let your HOA lock you out of your home
The Orlando area -- as well as the entire state of Florida -- is full of homes governed by a homeowners association. If you own a condo, townhouse or other home that is part of a subdivision or planned community, you know that there is significant value in...
Preparing to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy comes with caveats
Many Florida residents who are struggling financially come to realize that filing for bankruptcy will provide them with the clean slate they need in order to rebuild their financial lives. However, in the weeks and months prior to filing, there are certain things you...