Many Florida residents frequent hospital emergency rooms when necessary. Many choose the hospital that is covered by their health insurance. The problem is that the doctors and other medical professionals that might be required for their care might not be considered within the network of the health care provider. This means that when the bills come in, they can be much higher than anticipated, which could prompt the need for medical debt relief.
Researchers looked into this possibility by examining some two million claims. They discovered that at least two of every 10 claims involved a medical professional that was not in the patient’s network even though the hospital was part of his or her insurance plan. This happens because hospitals contract with doctors, and those doctors are not required to accept the same insurance carriers as the hospital does.
Even though the study found that the amounts that were either partially covered or not covered at all were not necessarily unreasonable, that does not mean that everyone gets away so easily. Depending on the circumstances and the health insurance a Florida resident has, those unexpected bills could be unwieldy. If a patient requires emergency surgery or is otherwise admitted to the hospital, the expenses will only increase.
The question then becomes how to deal with the bills. Finding some medical debt relief is sometimes possible through negotiations with insurers and providers, but not always. Finding other options would most likely require a consultation with an attorney who can help determine the best course of action, which might include filing for bankruptcy protection.
Source: CBS News, “Surprise doctor bills from ER can add angst to injury“, Nov. 17, 2016