With summer winding down, now is a great time to review your finances. Many people accumulate debt over the summer, and addressing this before the end of the year can have significant benefits.
What have I spent so far?
Summer is a time for vacations, fun and sometimes unexpected expenses. Here are some common types of debt people accumulate:
- Vacation expenses: Trips, hotels and activities can add up quickly. One report estimates that people spend nearly $2,000 a week per trip.
- Medical bills: Summer activities like swimming, boating and sports can lead to injuries and medical expenses.
- Student loans: Payments may be deferred, but interest continues to accrue.
- Credit card debt: Everyday expenses and summer splurges can increase balances.
- Home improvement costs: Summer is a popular time for home renovations and repairs, which add up quickly.
These debts can pile up throughout the year, making it essential to review your finances now.
Why should I review my finances now?
Reviewing your finances before the end of the year has several benefits. For instance, the holiday season may seem far off, but it creeps in quickly. By addressing your debts now, you can reduce stress and avoid the financial strain that often comes with the holidays.
Further, the end of a fiscal and calendar year can be stressful and expensive, so tackling debt now can help you start the new year on solid footing.
Is Bankruptcy an Option?
Once you take stock of your finances, you can get a handle on your debt levels. Are they manageable? If not, bankruptcy could be a viable option. Depending on the types of debt you are carrying and your financial resources, bankruptcy might be worth considering as a way to discharge or repay debts. However, it comes with consequences, such as affecting your credit score and ability to get loans in the future.
When considering your options, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of bankruptcy and other debt-relief remedies.
Making the right choice for you
Taking stock of your finances as summer ends is crucial, especially if you’ve accumulated debt. By reviewing your finances now and considering all options, including bankruptcy, you can make informed decisions. This proactive approach makes it easier to manage your finances and start the new year with confidence.