There is no shortage of reasons to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. While you shouldn’t do so on a whim, as this is a big decision, it could be just what you need to regain control of your finances and put yourself on the path to a better future. Here are some of the...
Year: 2020
Simple steps to pay off overwhelming credit card debt
There are few things in life that feel as insurmountable as high amounts of consumer debt. Credit card debt in particular can be absolutely suffocating. Although it may seem like there’s no way out, paying off credit card debt does not have to be complicated or...
Your life after bankruptcy will change with a fresh financial start
Once you’ve gone through a bankruptcy, there are usually some changes that you’ll have to adapt to. Since this is the first time you’ve ever considered a bankruptcy or started the process, it’s important for you to know what to expect once your bankruptcy is...
Discharging your debt: When could you be stuck with credit debt?
As someone who is looking into bankruptcy, you may have heard that your credit cards could be discharged if you chose a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. That’s usually true, but there are some cases in which you may not be able to have your debts discharged. The easiest way for...
Should I file for bankruptcy if I’ve lost my job?
Losing your job can present you with huge financial difficulties. If you already have debts before losing your job, this lack of income could lead to your financial situation spiraling out of control. This is why so many debtors who have recently lost their job...
Chapter 7 bankruptcy: What it is and when to consider it
Without a doubt, financial struggles can cause anyone to feel stressed, worried and live in a constant state of anxiety. Florida residents who are under loads of debt and can see no way out may want to consider filing for bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy, in...
How high wage earners sometimes find themselves in debt trouble
Prestigious, high-paying jobs come with unspoken expectations for workers. If you move up into management or executive positions, you will need to be aware of how you present yourself to your co-workers and to the general public. Brand-name clothing, late-model...
Get to know these 3 positive effects of bankruptcy
When you think about a bankruptcy, you might not look at it as something that is a positive. However, bankruptcies do have several positive factors to consider. While you will see some downsides, like watching your credit score dip or potentially having to give up...
Helpful ways to pay down credit card debt
Most Florida residents have credit cards or debt in one form or another. In fact, a recent report from the Federal Reserve Bank found that nearly 55% of U.S. citizens who owned credit cards also had debt. In today’s economic climate, balancing and paying down credit...
Studies find that you’ll spend more on a credit card than with cash
Do you struggle with overspending? Has this practice created a lot of debt that you now have to address? You may find yourself wondering how it happened. You didn’t feel like you were spending more than you could afford, but now it’s clear that that’s exactly what...