Imagine looking up your bank account on payday only to discover that you received 25 percent less than your last paycheck. This is what wage garnishment can look like in Florida. Wages can be garnished for a number of reasons. A defaulted loan is one of the most...
Firm News
Should you feel guilty about credit card debt?
If you are feeling overwhelmed by mounting credit card debt, it is important to take a moment to think about how you got there. The easy answer is that you spent more than you brought in. While you might have made some unnecessary purchases, circumstances may have...
How to talk to your family about your bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is not something that happens to a single person or a business; it will have waves that ripple out and have unintended effects. And most of those ripples and effects are people who have a lot of questions. Let’s keep with that wave analogy for a moment....
Studies find that you’ll spend more on a credit card than with cash
Do you struggle with overspending? Has this practice created a lot of debt that you now have to address? You may find yourself wondering how it happened. You didn’t feel like you were spending more than you could afford, but now it’s clear that that’s exactly what...
Why women may benefit from Chapter 13 bankruptcy after divorce
Debt can be problematic at any point in life, but it might be especially troublesome during periods of change. Divorce is just one example of this. Women in Florida might be particularly at risk for developing problems with debt after divorce. The factors that...
Do millennials need debt relief more than their parents?
The average person in Florida might be hard-pressed to find a news article that shines a positive light on the millennial generation. Frequently maligned for supposedly taking down the napkin and chain restaurant industries, articles often shine a light on the...
Should I let my investment property go into foreclosure?
Maintaining an investment property in Florida can be an effective way to create an additional source of income. However, you may not have been able to predict changes in the market and growing costs to maintain your second or even third property. Despite doing your...
Chapter 7 bankruptcy can address medical debt
Getting sick can be a stressful experience. From dealing with doctors, potential hospitalizations and medications, most patients in Florida just want to get through the treatment phase and focus on their recovery. Unfortunately, that process comes at a cost, and many...
Should you cosign someone else’s loan?
Cosigning a loan may not seem like a big deal. You are just using your good credit to help a friend or family member, so he or she can qualify for a loan. Maybe the loan is for a car, house or to pay for school. While it is true, you are using your credit to help this...
What role does a judge play in Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
When a person in Florida realizes that he or she can no longer make ends meet, it might be time to consider options under bankruptcy. Seeking debt relief through Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be effective, but many people are still unsure of how the process...