Forking out money for medical bills can be annoying. After all, many people in Florida are already shelling out significant monthly payments for health insurance, and added bills can really compound financial worries. In some cases, those medical bills can do more...
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Ready to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy? Don’t take on new debts
Even in small amounts, debt can be an ever-present stress. From the emotional toll of trying to juggle multiple payments to receiving harassing phone calls from creditors, being in debt is not easy for people in Florida. Getting out of debt can be even harder. If you...
Could Chapter 13 bankruptcy address my medical debt?
Health care is both essential and expensive, which can put Florida patients in extremely difficult situations. Some individuals even delay seeking medical attention out of fear of related costs. In some cases this can further complicate matters, as a person's...
Medical debt still driving factor in personal bankruptcy
Getting sick is one of those facts of life that most people in Florida will have to deal with. Unfortunately, so are medical bills. Despite efforts by lawmakers, medical bills are still an enormous burden to the average person and are a significant contributor to...
Personal loans increasingly used for debt consolidation
Paying off debt can be easier when bills are consolidated into a single, manageable monthly payment. Debt consolidation is nothing new, but it is certainly growing in popularity. Some people in Florida might even be using this method to avoid filing for bankruptcy,...
Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help with financial toxicity
Receiving a cancer diagnosis is a life-altering event that can impact the rest of a person's life. The long-term effects of surviving cancer -- including the emotional toll of facing such a devastating disease -- can be difficult. However, one of the biggest hurdles...
Bankruptcy filings are low — why is that bad?
Debt is something that virtually every person will have to deal with at least once or twice during their lives. While some consumers handle these debts effectively, many people in Florida struggle with monthly payments for things like their credit cards, auto loans...
Can I discharge my tax debt in Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
Tax season can be a time of incredible stress if you do not have the funds to cover what you owe the government. As these bills grow, accumulating interest, you may find yourself at the bottom of an impossibly deep hole. Chapter 13 bankruptcy can usually help...
Don’t give up social media — use a debt repayment plan
Debt can weigh heavily on the mind of the typical Florida resident, with worrying thoughts intruding on otherwise peaceful activities. Although most people try their best to pay off their debts, the task often feels insurmountable. With growing balances and shrinking...
Chapter 13 bankruptcy: Debt common across generational lines
According to a recent survey, debt is almost as American as apple pie. Nearly three quarters of Americans have at least one kind of debt, which can create an enormous burden on the individual. While some people might think that certain individuals or generations might...