Needing to wait until you get paid to make a purchase can be a frustrating experience. It can also be embarrassing if you don't have money to go out with co-workers or commit to a project for another week. Credit cards help consumers by freeing up resources and...
Credit Card Debt
Should you consolidate your credit card debt?
Credit card debt can cause considerable stress – not to mention financial issues -- as it builds on itself and eats up your cash. Credit card companies often charge high interest rates, and there are usually high fees if a payment is late or missed. There are ways to...
Studies show that people spend more on credit cards than with cash
The big argument for credit cards is that you should simply use them like cash. In other words, you should only charge as much as you would spend with cash anyway, and then you’ll be able to afford it. In fact, when done right, this can be beneficial. If your credit...
These things could help reduce or avoid credit card debt
Credit cards can be very useful tools. These days, managing and balancing credit card debt can be a tall task. However, despite the stereotypes surrounding credit cards, getting into overwhelming credit card debt with them is not inevitable. Here’s how Florida...
A few ways to avoid high credit card debt
Although credit cards are convenient ways to make purchases, the balances can quickly spiral out of control. These days, thousands of Florida residents find themselves overwhelmed with massive amounts of credit card debt. Here are a few ways consumers can avoid high...
Online shopping can lead to massive credit card debt
Just a few years ago when Florida residents wanted to go shopping, they ventured out to malls, boutiques, department stores and other shops. These days, an individual can shop for basically anything right from the comfort of his or her own home. Online shopping is...
Signs that a person has excessive credit card debt
These days, using a credit card to make a purchase is just too easy. Credit cards can definitely feel like life savers, especially when purchasing something expensive. However, since credit cards are so easy to use, it doesn’t take long for credit card debt to pile up...
Limit spending to avoid high credit card debt
It seems so many Florida residents are struggling with high levels of consumer debt. In this day and age, the convenience of online shopping has made it incredibly easy to rack up massive amounts of credit card debt. It goes without saying that overwhelming credit...
Simple steps to pay off overwhelming credit card debt
There are few things in life that feel as insurmountable as high amounts of consumer debt. Credit card debt in particular can be absolutely suffocating. Although it may seem like there’s no way out, paying off credit card debt does not have to be complicated or...
Helpful ways to pay down credit card debt
Most Florida residents have credit cards or debt in one form or another. In fact, a recent report from the Federal Reserve Bank found that nearly 55% of U.S. citizens who owned credit cards also had debt. In today’s economic climate, balancing and paying down credit...