When it comes to credit cards, a portion of the debt any family carries is due to the interest rates on those cards. For Florida families, credit card bills may be difficult to keep up with, and the interest rates play a major role in how long those cards may take to...
Year: 2014
Bankruptcy can help stop home foreclosure
The thought of losing a home due to financial difficulties is often a homeowner's worst nightmare. While the home foreclosure process can be scary and overwhelming for many, knowing the options and possible ways to halt or delay a home foreclosure may help countless...
Confusion over credit card debt can delay bankruptcy
Whenever someone's financial situation has taken a turn for the worse and he or she is unable to manage things as they currently stand, that person may need to seek help. When that time comes and someone clearly needs assistance in dealing with credit card debt, there...
Using credit wisely may help stave off credit card debt
Many people have credit cards these days. However, whenever a person has a problem staying on top of payments or otherwise managing those credit cards, he or she may find that credit cards can quickly become a whole new problem about which to worry. There are ways to...
Florida NFL player charged in loan modification scam
Struggling homeowners have sought out ways to regain their financial footing ever since the recession rattled the entire country. Florida was especially hard hit, which left many homeowners seeking assistance in a variety of ways. For some owners, a loan modification...
Trickery by service providers affects loan modification process
When homeowners had a hard time dealing with the aftermath of the recession, many sought out the help of financial institutions as a mean of keeping their homes while they fought to regain their financial footing. One option for many struggling Florida homeowners was...
Man indicted for loan modification scam
When a homeowner is desperate for financial relief, any kind of offer to help may seem appealing. The process of getting a loan modification can be a lifesaver for a homeowner looking to avoid home foreclosure. However, Florida homeowners should beware of promises...
Smart ways to eliminate credit card debt
Financial stability can be elusive, and yet it is achievable for most people if they follow the advice of professionals. For Florida residents, credit card debt can be a source of stress and impair a family's or individual's ability to deal with other debts. While...
Reality of credit card debt may lie in generation gap
Not all credit card holders are the same, and neither are the struggles of those who use credit cards. Credit card debt can be financially debilitating for any Florida resident, as the recession once proved. However, the use of credit cards and management of credit...
Florida residents may struggle with loan modification changes
When the recession hit, many home owners across the country turned to different programs to help them keep their homes. One program was the Home Affordable Modification Program. With this program, Florida homeowners were able to obtain a loan modification to reduce...