Before the recession, the home foreclosure rates recorded across the country were not very alarming. When the recession hit and the market spiraled into what was described as a free fall, the home foreclosure rates in Florida and other states rose dramatically. On the...
Year: 2014
Credit card debt problems vary from person to person
The recession forced people to stop and think about their personal finances. One area of great concern for those in Florida and elsewhere was credit card debt. For many people, credit card debt led to serious financial issues that were difficult, if not impossible, to...
Home foreclosure action taken against woman working on house
The housing crisis led a lot of homeowners to seek ways to keep the roof over their heads. A loan modification was one method that was used to avoid home foreclosure in Florida and across the country. However, it has come to light that some people who were in the...
Chapter 7 debt relief may not mean losing one’s home in Florida
People naturally do not like the feeling of being trapped, whether physically or financially. Hence, it is important for Florida consumers to be wary of taking on too much debt. However, despite good intentions, many people find themselves in difficult financial...
Family vaction canceled because of credit card debt
Everybody deserves a vacation every once in a while. However, vacations are not usually cheap, and if one does not have his or her finances in order, a vacation may not be possible in Florida or in any other state. This is what one man found out just as he was...
Bank charged with driving people into home foreclosure
During the recession, millions of homeowners turned to their banks to find a way to keep their homes. One way those affected found as a means of avoiding home foreclosure was to seek a loan modification through the existing mortgage lender. Loan modifications were...
Credit card debt still problem in Florida and elsewhere
The financial crisis over the last number of years hit all areas of the country heavily. Florida, in particular, saw a rise in home foreclosures and other financial difficulties. Moreover, credit card debt and other debts wreaked havoc on the average household. As the...
Tips to know if you are on the verge of home foreclosure
The home foreclosure process is often shrouded in mystery and fear. For those in Florida who have struggled to keep up financially and who may now be on the verge of home foreclosure, there are certain tips and pieces of advice to follow. Each home foreclosure is...
Chapter 7 bankruptcy advice not to be ignored
There are very strict laws and regulations surrounding the bankruptcy process. There are also just as many myths and a massive amount of misinformation surrounding them. Anyone in Florida who is considering filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy may benefit from knowing what...
Divorce may make Chapter 7 bankruptcy more complicated
For many people, divorce and bankruptcy may be the most stressful and overwhelming times they ever encounter. When both are or could occur at the same time, Florida couples may be even more overwhelmed and confused about their future. It is important to know how a...