There are a variety of factors to take into account when determining who to date. Opinions on religion, politics and child rearing are often areas of concern. According to a recent study by an online refinancing marketplace, money and finances are also major factors...
Year: 2017
Recent hurricanes cause of home foreclosure increases
Over the past several weeks, two major hurricanes caused catastrophic damage to areas in the country. Hurricane Harvey affected many areas in other states, while Hurricane Irma wreaked havoc to several Florida communities. Given these disasters, the level of...
Take control of credit card debt
Many Florida residents and others around the nation use credit cards for emergency purposes or even for routine expenses. However, a recent survey showed that roughly 40 percent of consumers use their cards for a variety of non-essential expenses. The survey also...
Debt consolidation may be good option for consumers
Credit card debt for Florida consumers and others throughout the country is at its highest level in almost 10 years. While many cardholders are carrying higher balances, interest payments are steadily increasing. It is difficult for some to get out of the...
Over 25 percent of consumers in the nation carry credit card debt
Millions of Florida residents and others around the nation use credit cards each day. While some may use them for a special trip or large purchase, others are using them for everyday expenses or for an emergency. Regardless of the reason for their use, credit card...
Man sentenced to 8 years in prison for home foreclosure scam
Homeowners in Florida and in other states around the nation sometimes find themselves in financial difficulty. One of the largest expenses for most families is a mortgage payment. However, it is critical that this payment be made in order to stay in a home and avoid...
Interest rates for credit card debt at all-time high
Many Florida residents and others around the country frequently use credit cards for household purchases. While some consumers only use the cards for large items to earn points, others must use them for everyday expenditures. Still others might need them for emergency...
Debt relief in the face of national crisis
According to some analysts, the time may be approaching when the financial bubble will burst. In other words, the financial stability many are feeling may disappear. Some may already be experiencing it locally as major retailers close their doors. If a nationwide...
Short sales help those who are behind on house payments
Florida residents who frequent any of the many beaches may know what it is like when the tide is high and the waves are rough. Swimmers -- or even waders -- may feel as if they have complete control, and then a wave bowls over them. That feeling of being unable to...
Learn to manage credit card debt
Many consumers in Florida and around the country like to charge their purchases. Whether for convenience or necessity, households in the nation now carry an average credit card debt of around $16,000. The Federal Reserve reports that as a country, there is a debt over...