Credit cards are often advertised as being convenient forms of payment. However, they’re often more of a burden than a convenience for many Florida residents. High credit card debt can be overwhelming and sabotage a person’s credit score. Unfortunately, there's really...
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Avoid these things before filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy
It seems like financial stress is just normal for Florida residents these days. However, when an individual becomes overwhelmed financially, he or she will want to do whatever it takes to relieve the stress and pressure. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is an option for those who...
When is filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy the right move?
So many people across the state of Florida are struggling financially these days. Being buried under mounds of debt can make any person feel overwhelmed. As dire as the situation may seem, filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy could help those who are buried in debt get...
How to know when to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Making ends meet these days can be a challenge to say the least. Many Florida residents find that they just can't do it and become overwhelmed with debt. Imagine if there was a way to make debt magically disappear like erasing a chalkboard. Although it's not quite...
Reasons to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy
There is no shortage of reasons to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. While you shouldn’t do so on a whim, as this is a big decision, it could be just what you need to regain control of your finances and put yourself on the path to a better future. Here are some of the...
Chapter 7 bankruptcy: What it is and when to consider it
Without a doubt, financial struggles can cause anyone to feel stressed, worried and live in a constant state of anxiety. Florida residents who are under loads of debt and can see no way out may want to consider filing for bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy, in...
Things to consider when filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy
These days, thousands of families across the United States are dealing with significant financial concerns. So many people are losing their jobs, yet bills still keep piling up. With no income, debt can quickly snowball and become overwhelming. Florida residents who...
Do you qualify for debt relief under Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Whether you have struggled under the burden of debt for some time or an unexpected event like a medical emergency has left you with mounting medical bills, bankruptcy could offer relief. When filing, though, it is important to determine whether Chapter 7 or Chapter 13...
What is an automatic stay?
When you struggle with debt, it can be difficult to escape the thought of that burden. Persistent collections attempts from creditors can make that even worse. You may find written demands in your mailbox or email inbox. The messages on your phone may be filled with...
What is the means test and why does it matter?
When you have reached a point in your finances where you believe bankruptcy is among your most viable options, you will likely consider chapter 7 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy involves the selling off of significant assets in order to pay off creditors. However, to...