Credit card debt can make you feel like you’re stuck in an impossible bind. Interest rates are high, and you could find that it’s nearly impossible to make headway into paying down what you owe. There are options to help with this situation. Some are to: Look into...
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Payday loans can be painful traps
Have you taken a payday loan? Maybe your car’s brakes went out, and you had no other way to work. Maybe your dog got sick, and the vet bill was a bit heftier than you were prepared to handle. Whatever the reason you got there, you are starting to realize that those...
A cash emergency fund is better than a credit card
Some people tend to view their credit cards as emergency funds. If something goes wrong, they know they can just charge whatever they have to. Maybe you tend to spend $4,000 every month, for instance, and it’s all in your budget. Your card, though, has an $8,000...
The purpose of a 341 meeting when filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a nerve-wracking and emotional process that usually involves significant stress. As debts pile up, you may feel overwhelmed by the situation you find yourself in. Then, if you are contemplating bankruptcy, you may find yourself worrying even more about...
Debt types can affect how fresh your start will be with Chapter 7
Difference between secured and unsecured debt Owing more than you can afford is stressful, and contemplating a Chapter 7 bankruptcy without any idea of how it works probably won’t bring relief. Though a fresh start may be just what you need, it’s important to know how...
3 Common misconceptions about filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy
A negative stigma often surrounds the notion of filing for bankruptcy. Many people attribute it to a personal failing of some sort, but that often isn’t the case. In general, you may simply have a misunderstanding of what bankruptcy can do for you. Here are three...
How does the means test work?
When you decide to file for bankruptcy, you must decide to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. The chapter that works best for you will depend on your debt and income. But if you choose to file for Chapter 7, you must first pass the means test. In 2005, a means test was...
Do millennials need debt relief more than their parents?
The average person in Florida might be hard-pressed to find a news article that shines a positive light on the millennial generation. Frequently maligned for supposedly taking down the napkin and chain restaurant industries, articles often shine a light on the...
Chapter 7 bankruptcy can address medical debt
Getting sick can be a stressful experience. From dealing with doctors, potential hospitalizations and medications, most patients in Florida just want to get through the treatment phase and focus on their recovery. Unfortunately, that process comes at a cost, and many...
What role does a judge play in Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
When a person in Florida realizes that he or she can no longer make ends meet, it might be time to consider options under bankruptcy. Seeking debt relief through Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be effective, but many people are still unsure of how the process...