Filing for bankruptcy in Florida is a big decision, especially if it will affect more than just yourself. You and your spouse might feel stuck weighing the benefits of filing against trying to pay everything back yourselves. However, this is not the only decision you...
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Veterans seeking debt relief often give up their benefits
The decision to file for bankruptcy is not always easy and typically involves consideration of a number of financial issues. People in Florida have to consider many different factors before filing, such as their current level of debt, income and much more. However,...
Drivers with big auto loans might need debt relief
For some people in Florida, owning a vehicle is not a luxury -- it is a necessity. Public transportation is not always reliable and many people live in areas not frequently serviced by buses. Those without vehicles often struggle to maintain employment or to find...
Can I get debt relief from my taxes?
Tax season is not always a pleasant time of year. While some Florida residents are expecting to receive a nice refund, you might be struggling with the reality that you are still not quite caught up on the taxes that you already owe. While it might seem impossible,...
Other than bankruptcy, how else can I achieve debt relief?
Dealing with debt is not always a crisis, but it often feels like that to those who are in the throes of past-due notices and harassing phone calls from creditors. Still, personal bankruptcy can be an effective option for many people in Florida. Despite this, some are...
Chapter 7 bankruptcy can help stressed student loan borrowers
It is no secret that the cost of a college education is significantly out of reach for the average person in Florida. However, since securing a successful career often hinges on earning a degree, most students are willing to take on the monumental costs, including...
How to stop harassment by creditors without filing for bankruptcy
Bankruptcy can be an effective way to stop harassing creditors in their tracks. However, much of the behaviors and tactics that creditors use are not legal in the first place. For those in Florida who are interested in how to stop harassment by creditors but are not...
Can debt relief help student loan borrowers buy a home?
For generations, buying a home has been a defining milestone of becoming an adult. Unfortunately, this goal is becoming harder and harder for some young adults to obtain, and it is not necessarily because of a rough housing market or overpriced homes. Debt -- student...
Debt relief: higher interest rates could lead to bankruptcy
America has a serious fixation on car culture that might be hard to deny. Owning a motor vehicle is often about more than just transportation, and people in Florida often feel as if their choice of ride says a lot about who they are. However, as auto loans account for...
How filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy stops harassing creditors
Bankruptcy is often vilified as the final nail in a person's financial coffin rather than the breath of fresh air that it truly is. By the time a person in Florida files for bankruptcy, he or she are usually behind on one more debts and is dealing with other serious...